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The Glory Window

St Paul's Anglican Church Frankston - The Glory Window (Janusz Kuzbicki)

The Glory Window, by Janusz Kuzbicki (depicting the last day). 

“The trumpet shall sound, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed”.


For a number of years it was the desire of the ladies of St Paul’s Opportunity Shop to provide stained glass windows along the south side of the church, and with this in mind they regularly set aside money until there was sufficient for this purpose; and to provide a fitting commemoration of the long Ministry of The Rev’d Albert and Mrs Betty Church, at St Paul’s.

Then it was necessary to find an artist to design and quote for the window. Those responsible for previous windows were not available so we turned to the “Yellow Pages” and were attracted by the name Janusz Kuzbicki. There was no-one better we could have turned to! He and his wife, Magdalena, are a remarkable team, and we thank them for this glorious and unique work of art.

The theme is, “The trumpet shall sound, and the glory of the Lord will be revealed”, (hence the name “Glory Window”). This is appropriate because of the subjects of the windows opposite; St John and his vision on the island of Patmos in the centre window, at St Paul and the men and women saints associated with him in the other two. They remind us of the saints, mentioned in the Book of Revelation, waiting under the Altar for the consummation of all things and saying, “How long O Lord?” They, like us, are looking forward to seeing the glory of God revealed at the last day.


The seven spear-like emblems coming from the roundel, like streaks of lightning, are the spirits of the seven churches. 

The roundel itself, at the very centre point of the window, reminds us “now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face”. When the trumpets blow, the roundel will become clear and expand, and burst wide open, to reveal the King coming in the clouds of glory!


It is the wind of God - the Holy Spirit, which gives life and movement.  It blows the clothes and wings of the angels, and raises up the waves on the sea. Blowing through all time and the whole creation, the Holy Spirit is powerfully bringing to completion the prophecies of the Old Testament, and the promises of the New. There is an urgency about it all which makes us realise there is not much more time to prepare or wait. It will happen soon!


Notice the strength of their expressions and their hands. The windows are unusual, for these are the only pieces of painted glass in the whole work. The angels are not yet blowing their trumpets. They have taken a deep breath, and are waiting for an almost immediate signal to do so. The size of their trumpets reminds us of the tremendous sound they will make. 


In Genesis, it is the guarantee of God’s covenant with mankind, and a symbol of hope that God’s promises will be fulfilled. In Revelation, around His throne, it symbolises the glory and beauty of God. As it stretches across the three windows, unifying them, so it speaks to us of the hope and glory encompassing all of God’s creation, for all time, from the beginning to the end. There is an interesting tradition, that immediately before the next coming of Jesus there will be the most glorious worldwide rainbow ever seen!


In Revelation the sea is spoken of as glass or crystal, but nowhere is it implied that it was as calm as a millpond. So we see the wind blowing over it, and the waves leaping up as they do so often on nearby Port Philip Bay. But where are the kings and their crowns being cast into the sea? The kings we don’t see, but the crowns are the twenty-four stars (count them?) up in the sky. The kings are so excited about the coming of The King of Kings that they are throwing them up in the air!


The flowering plants, most of them Australian natives, also appear to be reaching up to welcome the coming Lord. As it is said in Romans - “The whole creation is on tiptoe to see the wonderful sight”.


As the symbol of pilgrims, they represent us. We are in this mighty movement which will soon bring God’s purposes to completion.

So, with the whole creation, let us cry out: “MARANTHA! COME, LORD JESUS!

Sunset is the time to see these windows at their best. When the sun shines on the textured glass they really sparkle.

  • St Paul's Anglican Church Frankston - 'The Glory Window' - Left section  (Janusz Kuzbicki)

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  • St Paul's Anglican Church Frankston - 'The Glory Window' -centre section. (Janusz Kuzbicki)

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  • St Paul's Anglican Church Frankston - 'The Glory Window' -right section.  (Janusz Kuzbicki)

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